The Can-You-Hear-Us-Now-a-Thon: Petition Delivery Marathon at the FCC

We’re running a marathon for the next two days, but this is not your normal 26.2 mile race. This marathon involves hauling at least 50,000 petitions to the Federal Communications Commission in support of real Net Neutrality every hour, on the hour until we’ve delivered all 2 million signatures.

In case FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski had forgotten the public’s overwhelming support for real Net Neutrality, or in case he’s just not listening, we figured it would be a little hard to ignore 2 million hand-delivered petitions to the FCC’s doorsteps requesting rules that truly safeguard the open Internet. And that's why we're calling it the "Can-You-Hear-Us-Now-a-Thon."

The petitions are being delivered by local volunteers and representatives of the many groups that helped collect them, including Free Press, New America Foundation, Media Access Project, Future of Music Coalition, the Media and Democracy Coalition, Credo Action, the Progressive Campaign Change Committee,, Common Cause, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, Prometheus Radio Project, the Harry Potter Alliance and the Open Source Democracy Foundation.

This action shows that the public is not settling for almost Net Neutrality, half Net Neutrality or fake Net Neutrality. They want real Net Neutrality. And real Net Neutrality means there is one Internet with one set of rules whether you get online at home or using a mobile phone; it means no special toll roads or fast lanes reserved for a few powerful corporations; it means no giant loopholes that would undermine the Internet’s level playing field. It’s not too late to fix these rules to ensure the free and open Internet will continue to thrive everywhere.

You can run alongside us this week by checking in on updates, photos and video of the "Can-You-Hear-Us-Now-a-Thon", posting words of support for the marathoners, and spreading this action across the social networks.

And of course, now that we’ve gotten to 2 million for Net Neutrality, help us get to three. Spread the word and take action. The FCC is scheduled to vote on its proposed Net Neutrality rules at its Dec. 21 open meeting, and we need to make sure they can’t claim they didn’t hear us.