Who Owns What

Did you know that Viacom owns 160 cable channels that reach more than 600 million people worldwide?

Or that the Hearst Corporation owns 31 television stations and 20 U.S. magazines?

Or that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. owns (seemingly) everything? The company’s holdings include the FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX News, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, the Daily News, HarperCollins Publishers, 20th Century Fox and the scandal-plagued News International. (And that’s not all.)

To learn more about which companies are currently dominating the U.S. media landscape, check out our updated media ownership chart. We’ve got information on all the big players in TV and radio; cable and telecommunications; print and the Internet. It’s not a pretty picture … and it shows the dramatic impact mergers and acquisitions have had in the last few decades.

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