The Declaration of Internet Freedom ... 63 Languages Strong

Our friends at Global Voices, the international community of bloggers and citizen journalists, have been big supporters of the Declaration of Internet Freedom from day one. Last Friday they launched a “translathon” — a 24-hour marathon in which people translated the Declaration into as many languages as possible. The event beautifully illustrated how the Declaration’s five principles — expression, access, openness, innovation and privacy — have resonated with Internet users around the world.

Before the translathon even began, the Global Voices team had collaborated to translate the Declaration into 28 languages, including Aymara, Catalan, Malagasy and Swahili.

But by the end of the daylong translathon, the Declaration had been translated 35 more times, for a total of 63 translations. This includes both “official” national languages like Azerbaijani, Danish, Hebrew and Thai and regional languages like K’iche’Galician and Tz’utujil.

The translathon may be over, but there’s still work to be done. The Global Voices team is looking for people to proof many of the submitted translations for accuracy. If you are fluent in a non-English language, click here to view the list of translations and offer your help.

And if you speak or write in a language that’s missing from the list, you can submit your own translation of the Declaration of Internet Freedom.

If you care about the fight for Internet freedom, please consider a donation to the Free Press Action Fund.