The Fight to Save the Internet Is ON

This has been a historic day in the fight to save the Internet.

The rally outside the FCC was inspiring: Hundreds of people (and even some kids) chanted, drummed and streamed into the FCC demanding reclassification and real Net Neutrality. Thousands more are taking action online at And over the last few weeks millions of us have put the FCC on notice, making one thing crystal clear: An Internet without Net Neutrality is unacceptable.

Here’s what happened today: FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler introduced his rules, which would let ISPs like AT&T and Verizon charge for priority treatment online. Meanwhile, Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel spoke out in support of prohibitions on paid prioritization and other forms of discrimination.

Tom Wheeler spoke passionately about the open Internet, but his rousing rhetoric doesn't match the reality of his proposal. The only way to accomplish the chairman’s goals is to reclassify Internet service providers as common carriers.

The Commission says it wants to hear from the public; it will be hearing from us a lot more in the months ahead. As this fight stretches into the fall, we'll repeat our demands over and over again: No fast lanes on the Internet. We need REAL Net Neutrality.

We’ll file comments with the FCC. We'll urge President Obama to reiterate his support for the open Internet. We’ll step up our organizing — online, in the streets and on Capitol Hill. We’ll keep the issue front and center in the news and in people’s minds. At every turn we’ll remind the FCC that it works for us, not the ISPs.

Take a minute to watch and share the video from this historic day.

We won't stop fighting until we win, no matter how long it takes. With you by our side we know we'll get there.