Free Press Intervenes to Defend Net Neutrality Rules in Court

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Timothy Karr, 201-533-8838

WASHINGTON -- Free Press on Wednesday filed to intervene in the industry-backed court case challenging the FCC’s Net Neutrality rules. The motion to intervene filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit states Free Press' intention to defend the FCC’s landmark Feb. 26 vote to reclassify broadband as a Title II service under the Communications Act.

Since the February ruling, 10 Internet service providers, trade groups and other litigants have filed lawsuits challenging the FCC’s decision. Wednesday also saw ISPs filing a joint motion for a stay of the reclassification decision and key parts of the Net Neutrality rules.

Free Press Policy Director Matt Wood made the following statement:

"Free Press is ready to defend Internet users against the frivolous claims of phone and cable industry lawyers. The FCC based its landmark Net Neutrality decision on the solid foundation of our nation’s communications laws, guaranteeing everyone the right to an open Internet and freedom from unreasonable discrimination by broadband gatekeepers.

“A vast majority of Americans support Net Neutrality, and millions of people called on the agency to adopt real Net Neutrality protections. The FCC’s decision to reclassify reflects this widespread support for the open Internet. The public needs a voice on its side as the phone and cable lobby attempts a legal end-run to strip away our rights to connect and communicate.

"Free Press will fight the spurious and unsubstantiated claims of the phone and cable companies and uphold the FCC’s decision to root open Internet protections in established law. This fight includes opposing the industry attempt to get the court to delay the implementation of these fundamental safeguards for Internet users."

The Free Press motion is available here: